Most businesses are based on property turnover. This means that any enterprise has its equipment, car fleet, buildings, cash flows and so on. Sometimes business owners or top managers can use the property of the company, however the fact of necessity of registration of all business operations by a financial department store obliges a company to reflect such activities in accounting statements. Thus, it becomes more clear what are personal drawings in business. These are recordings that show all operations related to the withdrawals of the firm’s resources by its board of directors.

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The way how it is possible to perform drawings registration in the UK and other countries
So any exploitation of business assets should be reflected in the balance sheet. Usually, such recordings include any possible combinations of the withdrawal and are shown in the debit section. It is vital to remember that such operations won’t make the capital smaller, however an account shouldn’t make drawings the part of business expenses.
Moreover, carried out by business owner drawings must be registered as assets reduction and simultaneously as owner’s share reduction. The following values can be included into the accounting record as withdrawal:
- equipment;
- money;
- objects.

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Also, all valuable items that require to be taken to the balance sheet must be registered. After the operation is done, credit and debit of the transactions should be entered into the bookkeeping system. An accountant should obtain the equilibrium of changes in the drawing account from a debit side and a credit record in the cash account. In case of equipment or other withdrawal of items the expenses are registered in the same column in the form of its actual cost. It is necessary to perform all actions of this type immediately, because it can be a reason of problems related to the accounting statements.